Days come and go and meld together into one, and yet one moment in time can be so etched into your mind as the call comes. While you reach out to ask for that moment to not be real, the weight of the truth is sometimes more than you can bear. Are we ever really prepared? Our […]
Author Archives: Iconicwebhq
Each loss cuts just as deeply as the last. Our hearts were not yet healed and once again the wound is ripped open. After 17 ½ years on this earth, age took our dear Geronimo to be with his brothers who had left him years ago. Yet even when death comes naturally, we still grieve […]
Heavily the rain came down all week and heavily our hearts sank deeply as two of Speedwell’s own, brother and sister, passed away this April. Volunteers and wolves alike are still in shock from the passing of Friday and Solo, two amazing wolves who taught us the true meaning of family, of vigilance, of leadership, […]
Wolf Sanctuary of PA is always excited when children get a chance to visit and learn about the wolves. Below is one example of a class project that was completed after a visit to our sanctuary. Thank you to Chesterbrook Academy’s 2nd Graders! These kids rock! Schedule your class trip for the spring or summer now […]
Lisa Matthews / Wolf Song of Alaska / Volunteer The wolf in North America, is a predator of primarily large ungulates, that is, animals like moose, elk, and deer. All biological and social aspects of the wolf make it adapted for this role. No other carnivore in the western United States replaces the ecological importance […]
Our beautiful Hudson was 16 but even 16 years never feels like enough time. The heat of this year was too much compounded by his age and failing hind quarters. He laid down where his brother had lain in January of 2015 and prepared to leave this land. To avoid prolonged suffering our vet […]
Tempestuous heat and humidity worthy of the tropics filled the air this August and brought with them an air of sadness. Jerico passed naturally in early morning August 11, 2016. We never knew his birthday, but estimated him to be somewhere between 12 to 14 years of age when he arrived here two years ago. […]
With heavy hearts, we bid our Hope farewell two weeks ago. She had suffered from a genetic spinal defect. Too young to pass from us so soon, we were heartbroken to lose her, but we know that she had moved on to a better place, free from any further suffering. Hope was born at the […]
After many months of work, Tioga and Little Girl’s renovations are finally complete! Thanks to the tireless effort and dedication of our volunteers, we were able to tear down the old enclosures and affix fresh dig-fencing to make the final addition to Tioga and Little Girl’s territory wolf-ready! Thank you also to all of our […]
You may have heard on the tours that wolves have an excellent sense of smell. They are often able to detect a herd that is miles away just by picking up their scent in the air! But how does this work exactly? In mammals, the sense of smell depends on the function and number of […]