Gone But Not Forgotten
Here, we pay tribute to our wolf family members who have passed on. You will never be forgotten!
Achilles was loved by many. He was an inspiration, overcoming the abuse he went through at a young age and learning to trust again and to live a happy life with his family
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Akira was a sweet soul. Some dental issues in her past left her with a silly grin that anyone who met her cherished and adored. She had been through so much early in life, yet despite her past she always seemed to have a warm heart.
Read MoreAries
Aries could sit for hours and be brushed or petted by his humans, though touch one hair the wrong way and he would certainly let you know. Aries was strong willed and confident and always sure that he would get his way no matter what. He also had a big heart and loved his pack-mates dearly, especially Lazarus.
Read MoreBear
Bear came to us from a small roadside zoo. He smiled almost as soon as we placed him in the truck to come home to Wolf Sanctuary of PA. He won the hearts of his caretakers right away, with his vivacious personality. He greeted new experiences with an open honesty, exuberantly expressing either his pleasure or displeasure with any given situation or visitor….
Read MoreBilly Our Billy, 2006 To 10/21/2013
Its Fundamental Really Uttering A Farewell.Not Just By Written Word, Language Is Not Needed To Share The Meaning Of Loss.Ohhhhh Me.I Sit In Silence And Watch The Leaves Blow From The Trees Falling Lightly And Almost With Out Sound To The Ground.They Skitter Along The Grass And Disappear In The Field.I Think That Is…
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Some souls are with us for a long journey, others for a very short one, though we always hope that it can be longer. None of it is fair or just yet we remain with an emptiness that we cannot quite reconcile. Our sweet Bodhi left us far too young and far too soon.
Read MoreFarewell Booboo
Booboo You Never Got To Meet BooBoo But You Would Have Loved Him Too. Our Hearts Must Reach To Infinity And Beyond To Lose So Many Pieces And Continue To Beat. It Is A Hard Moment In Time That We Walk Through As Each Passing Day The Sun Still Shines And We Laugh And We…
Read MoreCasper
A Hot Day It Was, May 31, 2011. Our Dear Friend Casper We Bid You Goodbye. He Loved Children, Always Ready To Great Them And If Possible Send A Bit Of Mud In The Direction Of Any Passerby. He Had A Good Nature About Him. A Wag And Tilt To The Head. Our Little Arctic…
Read MoreCharbonneau
I Am Sorry To Say This Comes Late. Sometimes I Just Can’t Find The Words. A Knot Still Forms In My Throat When I Force Myself To Dwell. It Is Hard To Believe That Our Friends Have Passed On. The Summer Comes To Us As If It Has Never Left And We Bid A Painful…
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Charlie was the pride of the sanctuary. As a young wolf she was seriously injured and lost her front left leg. Her courageous recovery was nothing short of a miracle. A proud leader to the end.
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Farewell Chipper
Heavily The Rain Came Down All Week And Heavily Our Hearts Sank Deeply As Two Of Speedwell’s Own, Brother And Sister, Passed Away This April.Volunteers And Wolves Alike Are Still In Shock From The Passing Of Friday And Solo, Two Amazing Wolves Who Taught Us The True Meaning Of Family, Of Vigilance, Of Leadership…
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Chomp had a vibrant spirit. She had a way of brightening her pack with her joyful play. She was filled with a lighthearted resilience and always had a cheery energy about her even in the face of adversity. Chomp’s sisters made sure to remind her that she was to submit and fall in line, but that never kept her spirit down. Chomp was full of energy and loved to goof around.
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Like the rest of her family, Cinderella was very shy of humans and was a master at hiding if she did not wish to be seen. She always knew a safe distance, and would only come close to her human caretakers if there was at least one fence between. In her later years, she no longer cared as much to keep up this elusiveness, but in her youth there was no one who could disappear in the brush like Cinderella
Read MoreD. Dozer
Some stories end before their time, and these are often filled with heartbreak. So it was when the sorrowful day came to bid farewell to a joyous, playful, and loving member of the Speedwell Family – Downingtown Dozer.
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Dozer was a strong willed, independent soul, especially in his youth, and he was always filled with fire. As he aged, he developed a calm, curious presence…
Read MoreFarewell Dakota
Dakota came to us quite young, just a few months old. He never lost his youthful spirit and was always ready to open his heart to a new friend. He was very trusting and playful and had an amazingly positive energy about him. After any time spent with him, his caretakers couldn’t help but come away with a smile in their hearts.
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Farewell Destiny
Destiny When Destiny Met Chipper During The First Week Of June In 2012 There Was Magic In The Air.They Took To Each Other Right Away.As We Watched Them Together We Saw A Beautiful Combination Of Admiration And Dedication Between Them.Destiny Was Often Very Shy Of Human Interaction, But Chipper Taught Her There…
Read MoreFarewell Dusty
Days Come And Go And Meld Together Into One, And Yet One Moment In Time Can Be So Etched Into Your Mind As The Call Comes. While You Reach Out To Ask For That Moment To Not Be Real, The Weight Of The Truth Is Sometimes More Than You Can Bear. Are We Ever Really Prepared? Our…
Read MoreFenrir
Fen’s big, open heart and uplifting personality brought joy to anyone he met. He greeted his favorite humans with an open love, a silly grin, and a coy, playful paw as he sauntered over and flopped on the grass for a belly rub. He was sweet and loving with a big heart that was evident to all who knew him.
Read MoreFarewell Friday
Heavily The Rain Came Down All Week And Heavily Our Hearts Sank Deeply As Two Of Speedwell’s Own, Brother And Sister, Passed Away This April.Volunteers And Wolves Alike Are Still In Shock From The Passing Of Friday And Solo, Two Amazing Wolves Who Taught Us The True Meaning Of Family, Of Vigilance, Of Leadership…
Read MoreFrodo
Great loss is felt at the passing of a noble leader of the Big Pack. In April 2021 Frodo passed away naturally to be with his ancestors. Deeply we grieve, yet we take comfort in knowing that Frodo lived a good long life, a life with his family, and that he passed peacefully on from this life on his own terms, in the comfort of his loved ones.
Read MoreGalahad
Galahad was noble and stoic, yet he always had an easy friendly nature about him. He will be greatly missed by all who knew him, especially by his companion Jake.
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Farewell Geronimo
Each Loss Cuts Just As Deeply As The Last. Our Hearts Were Not Yet Healed And Once Again The Wound Is Ripped Open. After 17 ½ Years On This Earth, Age Took Our Dear Geronimo To Be With His Brothers Who Had Left Him Years Ago. Yet Even When Death Comes Naturally, We Still Grieve…
Read MoreGideon
Gideon was the youngest and liveliest of his family. He was the first to break out of his shell and start to recover after their trauma. As days passed, he began to play more frequently, pouncing on his parents and running laps around his enclosure…
Read MoreGinny
When caring for such strong and independent beings it is hard to imagine that they will not be with us throughout our lives. Ginny was so vivacious and lively that she never seemed to show her age. She had a big personality and a feisty attitude that we loved so much.
Read MoreGlacier And Beau
I Am Sorry To Say This Comes Late. Sometimes I Just Can’t Find The Words. A Knot Still Forms In My Throat When I Force Myself To Dwell. It Is Hard To Believe That Our Friends Have Passed On. The Summer Comes To Us As If It Has Never Left And We Bid A Painful…
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Greybeard was strong and stoic. He was a steadfast presence in the pack and the others all seemed to rally around him. We will miss seeing his noble figure atop their grassy hillside.
Read MoreFarewell Hope
With Heavy Hearts, We Bid Our Hope Farewell Two Weeks Ago. She Had Suffered From A Genetic Spinal Defect. Too Young To Pass From Us So Soon, We Were Heartbroken To Lose Her, But We Know That She Had Moved On To A Better Place, Free From Any Further Suffering. Hope Was Born At The…
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Our Beautiful Hudson Was 16 But Even 16 Years Never Feels Like Enough Time. The Heat Of This Year Was Too Much Compounded By His Age And Failing Hind Quarters. He Laid Down Where His Brother Had Lain In January Of 2015 And Prepared To Leave This Land. To Avoid Prolonged Suffering Our Vet …
Read MoreJake
Jake was deeply loyal in her companionship. She developed strong bonds over the course of her life with select individuals, both human and wolf, knowing exactly who suited her preference and no others could ever take their place.
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Through the years, many wolves and wolf-dogs have called the sanctuary home. Some are very shy, others may grow to trust us in time, and then there are a few who open their hearts from the very beginning and share the honor of their friendship with us throughout their lives. Jasper was one such soul
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Tempestuous Heat And Humidity Worthy Of The Tropics Filled The Air This August And Brought With Them An Air Of Sadness. Jerico Passed Naturally In Early Morning August 11, 2016. We Never Knew His Birthday, But Estimated Him To Be Somewhere Between 12 To 14 Years Of Age When He Arrived Here Two Years Ago….
Read MoreKeisha Loved The Snow
Today We Had Snow And Tomorrow We Are To Have Snow Again. Keisha Loved The Snow So It Is Apropos That The Gift Of Snow Be Given At Her Crossing. A Lump Appeared Above Keisha’s Left Eye. Growing Fast It Became A Mass Almost Over Night. She Could Not Open Her Left Eye. She Was…
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Lady Bodie
To Some They Are Just Animals Behind A Fence.To Others They Are A Mystery Worth Exploring.To Us They Are A Nation Unto Themselves.They Do Not Command Respect, But I Give It Without Question.If You Could See With Your Heart, You Would Learn To Live.If You Could Hear With Your Soul…
Read MoreLazarus
Lazarus carried himself with grace and always tread carefully both in his gait, and in his overall behavior. He had learned a sense of caution from his companions from a young age, and always seemed to assess each situation with a deep intelligence before making a move. Yet along with his sense of caution, he also had an open and warm heart, and a light and joyful spirit. He loved deeply and openly and despite his air of caution, he never seemed to show any element of fear
Read MoreLenape
Lenape never failed to bring a smile with his happy and free-spirited soul. A gentle spirit, our Lenape walked through life with a playful innocence. His deep umber eyes always seemed to twinkle light-heartedly.
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Levi exhibited strength and tenacity throughout his life. He was a big wolf with a big personality and he loved to show off. He was always lively and happy spending time with his brothers and he enjoyed being a memorable part of his rowdy family. He will be greatly missed by all who knew him.
Read MoreLiberty, A Farewell…
We Are Not Given A Map Or Time Table. No Instruction Manual Comes With Our Birth. If We Are Blessed With Elders, Family And Community We Will Have Guidance, But We Must Make Our Own Way Through Life Trusting In That Future.Pain Is But A Hopefully Small Part Of That Journey. We Say Hello…
Read MoreLincoln
Lincoln was truly the heart of the Big Pack. He loved all his family members deeply and cherished them equally. Lincoln had a zest for life and threw himself fully into whatever his family was doing and was always front and center in the action.
Read MoreLoci
Loci was open and loving right from the start and greeted everyone he met with a smiling happy prance and an open joyous grin. In his youth he was playful and mischievous, often attempting to sneak away with a stolen item from his caretakers. Though he was more mellow later in life, his love and friendliness persisted.
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Farewell Lucas
Lucas always had a mischievous glint in his eye. He was known for testing anyone new and he always carried himself with the confidence of an intelligent trickster….
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Farewell Merlin, A True Alpha
Merlin Merlin Came To Wolf Sanctuary Of PA With His Family On May 05, 2006. It Was A Warm Spring Day. Along With Him Came His Mate Niksa, Her Sister Keisha, And A Wee Baby Of Two Weeks Named Tioga. For The First Few Days, Merlin And His Companions Were Afraid To Leave The Small…
Read MoreMidnight
Midnight was strong and brave and she would come close to the fence to investigate if any caretakers or groundskeepers came near. She was the first of her family to come over at mealtimes and she was always the most confident when investigating any human activity nearby. In the afternoons, she would often lay atop her hill with her family close by.
Read MoreMurphy
Murphy Was The Second Male Member Of The Trinity Born To Kojak & Thunder. He Was Playful, Aggressive And Extremely Competitive With His Brother Winston And Sister Charlie When They Were Pups. It Was Predicted That Murphy Would Become The Alpha Male Within His Own Pack, And That Is Indeed The Case. Murphy Stood Tall…
Read MoreNiksa
Proud, Strong And Full Of Grace. Niksa, Mother To Tioga Mate To Merlyn And Sister To Kesha. I Can’t Even Form Words For This Loss. Unexpected? Yes. I Can Say That This Was Totally Unexpected. On Friday March 5th, 2010, We Took Niksa In For A Check Up, She Had Some Spots On Her Legs…
Read MoreNoel
Little Noel lived each day to its fullest. She loved her human visitors and she loved her sister even more. Each day with her was a joy. Yet as she grew, her heart condition worsened. Despite all of our best efforts, we were unable to help her and she passed on from us far too soon.
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Princess always seemed to exhibit more of a steady wisdom, possibly a result of her past before the sanctuary, possibly due to her age, or possibly just due to her own preference of keeping a calm and watchful eye over her pack and her home…
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Rogue always had an easy joy about him, and was just pleasant to be around, which seemed to hold true with his pack-mates and human caretakers. He was genuine and true and always clear with his feelings, whether he was nervous or excited or playful or peaceful.
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Sage transformed into a strong and fearless female wolf during her time here. Upon first arriving here she was frightened and unsure. Soon, though, that was all to change…
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Sakima never seemed worried or concerned, he seemed to take each day as it came, and was content to relax and enjoy a simple easy lifestyle. He would come to the fence to greet his caretakers and give them a gentle lick on the hand before sauntering off to find a comfortable lounge spot.
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Sarge had a fun and eager energy about her. She wanted to be included in the action, whether that be among her sisters or among the males in the pack. Even as she aged, she maintained that spirit and could be seen coaxing her nephew Lincoln to play by pawing at him, or kissing up to Frodo with wagging tail to get the howl started. She loved her family deeply and it was clear that they too loved her.
Read MoreScout
Scout February 15, 2000 To March 1, 2014 I Am Proud To Be A Wolf, Steadfast And True. I Am Proud To Have Stood My Ground And Watched Over My Family As They Slept And As They Worked And Played. We Have Stood Strong Together, And As The Years Passed On We Respected…
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Sir Spirit
Elegant And Serene Her Poise And Stance Shall Carry Through The Time Before And To Come. Her Quiet Demeanor And Level Rein Kept A Family Close And Loyal For Many Moons. Through Two Unions And Many Births She Stood Tall. Calm Understanding And Unwavering Respect From All That Met Her. Non Challenged Her Rein And…
Read MoreSolo
Solo was the strength and life of her pack. She had a quiet perseverance about her, even to the very end. Calm and steady she took up her burdens and weathered them. Her strength taught us what it means to be an Alpha – not teeth and muscle and noise, but a still and dignified presence…
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Sophie aged gracefully. She was lively and active through her later years and always carried herself with an elegant, bright demeanor. She was sweet and friendly with all of her caretakers. She was proud and independent, and walked with her head held high and a lighthearted joy in her step.
Read MoreSullivan Ryuk
Though loss is always painful, the sadness is felt all the more deeply when we must say goodbye to such a bright and loving soul. We were only graced with his presence for a little over a year, but in that time Sullivan Ryuk touched our hearts deeply and will forever be one of Speedwell’s own.
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As Swayze aged he took on a timeless elegance and his strength never wavered throughout all of his life. He loved being a part of his family and always treated each of them with loyalty and respect, as all of Smokey’s children did. Swayze taught us about what it means to be a part of a family. He showed us that there is strength and honor in every role in the pack so long as you live each day with peace and fortitude.
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She won our hearts from the very beginning. Strong and loving, she faced each day with an open heart and a daring sense of adventure. She was blind, yet she quickly adapted to her environment and navigated her world with determination and confidence. She always had a sense of hope and joy that lifted the hearts of any who spent time in her presence…
Read MoreTala
Tala carried herself with a soulful grace and always walked tall in an elegant posture that seemed to beg a question of worthiness of all who looked upon her. After time and patience and a mutual sharing of trust, she let down her walls for a few caretakers and allowed us the privilege to get to know how remarkable she truly was…
Read MoreTayha
Tayha lived with us for 11 years and through that time we watched her grow and blossom and change and throughout all that time she showed us her bright spirit and beautiful soul.
Read MoreThor
Many visitors who walk through our gates are captivated by one or several of the Wolves of Speedwell. Perhaps none captured the hearts of our visitors more than our beloved Thor. Thor carried himself with an air of nobility and he had a stoic presence about him. A true example of strength and perseverance, he adapted to any challenges that he faced over the years…
Read MoreTioga
Tioga was known to pounce and play and at times even partake in mischief, stealing various items from volunteers and tugging on their clothing. The most fun he had, though, was playtime with his pack…
Read MoreTrinity
Trinity was a strong leader and she loved her family deeply. Her strength and dominance was complemented by a nurturing and compassionate spirit. Trinity was always eager to care for her family…
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Watonie was calm and dignified, and never let any challenges affect her life. She faced her fears with a quiet grace and lived her life with love in her heart, a spring in her step, and a twinkle in her eye.
Read MoreWillow, Gone But Not Forgotten June 2010
To Our Willow, We Shall Miss You.. I Have Searched For Just The Right Farewell, And This Is What I Have Found. Until We Meet Again…. In The Midst Of An Enchanted, Crystal Forest Lies My Soul, Beneath A Weeping Willow Tree. On The Shadowed Side Of This Mystical Haven, Heart Beats As Thunder Warns…
Read MoreWinston You Will Be Deeply Missed.
Winston You Will Be Deeply Missed, Almost 15 Years My Friend.Second In Command For Many Years, Faithful Brother And Pack Mentor To The End.You Stood Your Ground And When Your Brother Murphy Joined The Great Hunt Your Cries Of Anguish Could Be Heard Long Into The Night And Through Many Months After…
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